February 17, 2010

A week flown by

Obama announced this week that he would finally be meeting with the Dalai Lama. Obama received some criticism early in his presidency for denying a meeting with the Dalai Lama over concern that a meeting would worsen ties with China. Even though he still believes that the meeting could possibly have harsh consequences with China down the road, he has now agreed to meet with him. The Dalai Lama has meet with every US president for the past two decades.
The early headlines of the American missionaries "kidnapping" Haitian children have been freed. Eight our the the ten missionaries were freed when the parents of the children taken told them they had willingly given them away in order for them to have a better life. Two of the missionaries are still be held for questioning, but they other eight on currently on a plane headed for Miami.

This week was also the hottest week ever. Literally the HOTTEST week ever. Physicists in a US lab have created matter at around 4 TRILLION degrees Celsius. This is the hottest temperature EVER reached by a lab. This matter represents the "quark soup" that scientists believe existed at the beginning of the universe.

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