March 09, 2010

A Beautiful Week

The same team that produced the Academy award winning documentary The Cove, is at work again. At a popular sushi restaurant in Santa Monica, one thing on the menu is whale meat. It is illegal to sell and trade whale meat of any kind. The crew took clandestine photos of the operation and went to the restaurant and order the whale meat. The waitress came back with a plate of "thick pink slices" of what the waitress said was whale meat. The crew took a few bites fore putting the rest in a bag and sending it off to be tested. Their suspicions proved true and the results were that the meat came from an endangered sei whale. The restaurant can now face prison time and up to a $20,000 fine that is due this week. The documentary The Cove unveils Japan's dolphin slaughter where the fisherman confuse the dolphins and then kill them by beating them with clubs or stabbing them with harpoons.
China and India today both agreed to be "listed" as parties on the last-minute Copenhagen accords, of which the US strongly back. these accords were put together last-minute when no deal was reached. India and China being "listed" falls just shorts of being in "full association" but is better then not being in connection with the accords at all. There is still much debate over a legally binding treaty on cutting carbon emissions and the newest release shows that another meeting will not occur till late 2012. There is still much controversy and debate on the whole issue foreign and abroad, but hope may come when we least expect it.
By 2011, washing machines might no longer be all "Wash". A UK company, Xeros, has developed a washing machine that uses 90% less water than traditional machines. This new washing machine uses only enough water to get the clothes wet and then fills the chamber with nylon-beads, that at the right humidity absorbs stains and clean the clothes. These beads can reused hundreds of time. The annual household bill would be cut by 30% when water, electricity and detergent are taken into consideration AND if all people in the UK were to switch to these washers, it would be the equivalent of taking 1.4 million cars off the road in terms of carbon footprint!
Well have a good week guys and always think positive!!!

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