April 20, 2010

Model United Nations

Two weekends ago my class participated in Model UN in a crisis simulation. The country my team and I represented was Afghanistan. As many of you know, Afghanistan has been in the news a lot lately. This correlated directly to the simulation...almost every other news feed or report was about Afghanistan, this made the task of our team very difficult. We had to respond to constant threads, reports, news and actions by other countries and ourselves. After the first-half of the session we finally got the hang of it. We started to work well as a team, we delegated responsibilities, started responded to the news feed, set up dip corp with other nations and started to form future plans and actions for our country. By the end of the first day we had an agreement arranged by ourselves with NATO, the US, and Pakistan Civilian to finally wipe the Taliban out of Afghanistan. Overall, it ended with our country being blown up by a nuclear bomb and our president accused of doing drugs and our opium fields burn, but we all greatly enjoyed it!
If I could change anything it would be to pick our own countries or region used. Also, the new room and feed was severely backed up, it would be nice to have it when a news released or action happened, update would be instantaneous, but I know that is far from happening. Also, there was much confusion by the people running it at the beginning, which didn't help the situation.
I really enjoyed the whole simulation though. I am a hands-on learner and learn best by putting what I know to use and seeing things unfold through my actions. I learn best by seeing and then doing or just straight doing. Thus this simulation was greatly helpful to me because I was able to comprehend all the information very easily. Plus, I really enjoy this kind of thing and seeing my actions play out. Overall, I would love doing this simulation again but maybe try a different take like security council or general assembly or a sub-committee.
Overall, I had a very good experience in Model UN. The only thing I didn't really like was not picking the region or state done and the time delay between news releases and action, ect. Very good though.


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